Thursday 12 July 2012

It's raining mainly on these Kenyan plains..

Before I start, if you want to get updates when I write a new post, become a follower on the tab to your right!

I had one of those days yesterday where it felt like I didn't solidly achieve anything but I did a hell of a lot.
  • Went to Milele Beach to help Burhani Playgroup/Kindy with their beach day. The only reason i'm helping is because only 1 of the 10 teachers knows how to swim and i'm worried there will be a mass of little toddlers with floaties floating all the way to Australia. Horribly raining but they still want to go ahead. You know that kids who find their fun beach day is being postponed, they spontaneously combust. I arrive at the beach, school decides that they'll go another day now. When it's nice and sunny.
  • I take a matatu to the school instead. No schools expected in today due to the rain. I don't want to sit around and wait all day, so I go to the mall and get $15 mani/pedi combo. I nearly kicked the nice man who scrubbed my feet... it was nice though.
  • Bought a few things in town...A sturdy plastic table to put in the pool so the little ones can learn a bit better. It's not heavy enough so one of the workshop boys at the school has offered to screw weights to the legs. I'm also going to purchase a very large rubber tube and attach rope around the outside so children can hold on and take a breather in the middle of the pool. I try to remember what it was like learning how to swim and I remember the pool being very big in my little eyes, so hopefully this will help. Also bought a ring binder, lots of paper and dividers and i've started a Swimming Bible. All bits of info on how to teach swimming, what not to do, how to save someone if they are in trouble, little  things that can help fellow/future coaches. Gotta leave my legacy right!
  • Very tired when I got home so had a nap. Woke up feeling guilty about eating fish and chips earlier in the day, so went for my daily/sporadic jog. A little boy started trying to race me so we raced for a while and I got too tired. I then tripped on a rock and old men sitting on the street-side laughed at me. I stopped to see the beautiful glowing red orb of a sunset that I saw between the fields. And then that little boy, now called Peter, jumped out of the bushes and scared the crap out of me (it didn't help that I had a mugging-dream the other night). He took me to his house to show me his chickens. His dad bought me a fanta and when I asked him why he freely let me into his home even though I was a stranger, he said 'doesnt matter where you're from we're all brothers and sisters'. Its nearly made me cry, how honest the words were that came from a 6 year olds mouth. I want to take that home with me. It makes me want to meet my neighbours and pool customers and start opening up to people. I've tried and it's not easy, but every time you open up and just say hi (or Jambo!) it does make you feel good.
Random memory from the other day: Listening to Heartlines by Florence + The Machine (awesome african drum beats) while running and jumping waves along the high-tide beach and getting seaweed stuck between my toes and feeling free to sing and make a fool of myself. What a great feeling.

Speak soon,
Love to all

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