Sunday 8 July 2012

Half-way line crossed..

Hi guys

Just a quick update today. I've got some more photos developed, feel free to check them out at HERE. I've put a few of my favourites below:

This is all the eqipment the people of Brisbane/Gold Coast gave to me before I left. I can safely say that all of it is going to good use..and i've had to break up a few fights for the goggles and boards! Special thanks to the Bluefit swimming pools who donated most of it :)
Me in the middle of teaching a class of kids how to kick. Its like conducting an orchestra I tell ya! Some days those kids come bounding in and its only you there to teach them, and you know you're in for a big ride, but it makes it all worthwhile when they leave with big smiles on their faces.
Took a walk into a nearby village and these kids were trying out their english on me. Very cute.

So, nearly over the bout of malaria. I miss swimming, even though it's only been 3 days. It's been 30 days since I arrived in Mombasa now, sometimes feels like i've been here for months. I'm a bit homesick. Usually i'm tougher than this but it is a bit hard travelling on your own out here. There are certain places you visit and wish your family/boyfriend/best friend was with you to experience it. But those times will come one day. For now I have my photos to share and my new Kenyan friends to keep me company!

Because I felt a bit better yesterday and I hate wasting precious weekend holiday time,I took a day-trip to Diani Beach (the beach resort mecca) to have some reading time and relax a bit. Got up and had breakfast, packed my day bag and caught a matatu to the Ferry. That place is interesting, pretty much full of matatus and people carrying sacks, or babies, or both. Getting to Likoni via the ferry only took 15 minutes, then took a matatu to Ukunda/Diani and then another matatu to the actual beach. It kinda feels like an adventure just getting there and i'm proud to be a solo woman who doesn't need a tour package to get where she wants to go. Stopped at the supermarket and got supplies (blackcurrant juice, chocolate croissant, gingernut biscuits and banana) then headed to the beach.  Quite a creepy narrow access path to the actual beach, felt like someone was gonna jump out of the bushes and mug me of my croissant! Had a wander, got harassed by beach boys. You have to be firm but polite "Thank you but I just want to be alone. I don't need your company. Now scram". They don't like hearing no though.
When I decided to gatecrash a resort and buy some lunch I got completely lost and ended up wandering down a dusty street in the boiling heat. Then someone pointed me towards a place called Swahili's with giant iron gates out the front. My gosh that place is insane. It has these massive white arabian archways and sparkling blue pools that are level with the floor. Everything is white-washed and minimal furniture. Next to the sprawling hotel pool is the beach which is covered in drying purple seaweed and small reef rock pools. I got a spot with a sweet view and ordered a seafood pizza, a few sprites and chocolate icecream. Cost me all-up about $12. Total bargain I tell you. Some of the waiters at these 'up-market' joints are cheeky though. Once you give them the money for the bill and wait around for the change, they sometimes take up to an hour to give it back to you, hoping you have just forgotten. The bus drivers do that too. You just can't take any crap from them.
The actual beach is exquisite. The sand is so smooth it's like velvet touching your toes, and the rock pools hold little tide fish and ghost-like crabs, and funky-shelled hermit crabs that crawl along the seaweed.

Take care everyone, and I hope the weather is getting warmer wherever you are and you're getting ready for the Olympic Games..can't wait!


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