Wednesday 21 March 2012

Raised $125 at the Sausage Sizzle at Spring Hill Baths today (for the volunteer trip to Kenya), and that was in cloudy weather! Very special thanks to Megan Crocombe , Tiffany Benjafield and Dad for their expert sausage turning assistance and of course Jo Byron for the yummy bread :) We've got a lot left over, so i'll be having another sausage-fest in the near future..

Thursday 8 March 2012

I've set up a Paypal portal if you would like to donate..every dollar counts!
All money raised will help to pay for volunteer organisation fees, accommodation, visas and inoculations. The main thing is there is little or no equipment for the children to use. I have been told there are a couple of old kick boards that 80+ children use. I would like to bring over with me equipment like goggles, kick boards and swimming aids that the children can keep using when I go back to Australia in August.

And thanks for all the people who are liking my facebook page and spreading the word about a good cause. Every kid should have the right to learn how to swim, it could save a life!

Its officially on..

Hi guys! Paid for some of my volunteer fees today (yes, you have to PAY to be a volunteer!), so its full steam ahead. Still got lots of other expenses to pay for, so i'm having a Sausage Sizzle near Spring Hill Baths (Brisbane) on Saturday 17 March at 12pm...bring some mates, have a hot dog then go for a swim! Gotta wait 20 minutes till your food digests though.. ;)

A friend took some pics of me at work..just another day at the office (I love teaching these little mites!)